
One-man Exhibitions

  • 1995, Jerusalem-Artists-House
  • 1995, Gallery Kunstzaum Am Hallhof, Memingen, Germany
  • 1996, Gallery “Serebryany vek”, S. Petersburg, Russia
  • 1998, Gallery “Anna”, S. Petersburg
  • 1999, Gallery “Sara Kishon”, Tel Aviv
  • 1999, Oberhessisches Museum, Gissen, Germany
  • 2000, Gallery “Art Dome”, San Francisco, USA
  • 2002, Gallery “Kunst +” Wetzlar, Germany
  • 2009, Gallery Karandagi, Tel Aviv
  • 2011, Gallery “Art Dome”, San Francisco, USA
  • 2015, Gallery “Colorida”, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 2019, Gallery ” Naima”, Jerusalem, Israel
  • 2019, Gallery ” ArtDome”, San Francisco, USA
  • 2019, Congregation Chevra Thilim, San Francisco, USA

Selected Group Exhibition       

  • 1975, Unofficial art in “Nevsky” Palace of Culture, Leningrad
  • 1976, Jewish group “Alef”, Leningrad, Moscow,Magnes Museum, Klutznik Museum, USA
  • 1977– 88, Exhibitions of the Fellowship of the Experimental Art, Leningrad
  • 1988, Central Exhibition Hall (Manege), Leningrad
  • 1989, “Creativity under duress”, art festival, Lousville, KY, USA
  • 1989, “Gillian Jason Gallery”, London, U.K.
  • 1992, “Old Voices, New Faces”, Klutznic Museum, Washington D.C., USA
  • 1994, “Art Fosters Art”, Jerusalem Artists House
  • 1996, “Jerusalem”, Gallery “Exodus”
  • 1996, “Osaka Triennale’96, Japan
  • 1996. “Transition”, Ten Artists in Knesset, Jerusalem
  • 2003, The Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, USA
  • 2000, “33#33” Jerusalem Artists House
  • 2001, Portreit in Russia XX vek – Russian State Museum, Russia
  • 2005, Hyogo International Competition of Painting, Japan
  • 2007, “Alte Zachen” – House of Quality, Jerusalem[17]
  • 2007, “ Grafix “ – Biennale of small graphic art, Breslav, Czech Republic
  • 2007, 6th Lessedra world art print annual
  • 2009, II international independent Art Festival “Sea Level”, Central Exhibition Hall,S.Petersburg, Russia
  • 2012, 32 Mini Print, Cadaques, Spain
  • 2014, Gallery “Naima”, Jerusalem
  • 2014, Heritage Celebration, San Francisco, USA
  • 2015, Leningrad Underground, New Museum, Sn. Petersburg
  • 2016, “Fascination worldwide art and color” , 2016 in Cologne
  • 2018, ” 16 times Art”,  Weisenthurm, Germany
  • 2019, London Art Biennale
  • 2019,  Enter into Art, Germany
  • 2020, Enter into Art, Germany
  • 2023, TMORA ( The Museum Of Russian Art) , Minneapolis, USA , “Leningrad Underground”
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